November 24th marks 90 days since a catastrophic fire destroyed over 70,000 square feet of our facility. It is fitting that this date should fall on Thanksgiving Day—While losing most of our resources has been trying, we have much to be thankful for, and we remain grateful for the Grace of God and His wisdom as we reinvent this business and get back on track.

Our customers purchase from a business—Westermeyer Industries—but this Company is more than a brand or the products we make. It is the People—the Company of People who have been plowing through. The Company of Men and Women who go home at night, ensuring their families that this business is still intact. In the face of extreme difficulty when the future seemed uncertain, our team—our Company—dug deep and found the courage to continue.
No business is perfect—we have faults like most—but our Company remains grateful for the continued support and trust of our customers, suppliers, community, friends, and family. Your support and encouragement have given this Company of People the fuel to do the unexpected—striving every day to climb the mountain we face with strength and speed.
This Thanksgiving, Teresa and I want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to our Company of People, the Westermeyer Industries family. Without you pulling alongside us, we could not have accomplished all we have in the past 90 days.
THANK YOU to the firefighters who worked without fail 90 days ago to save the 40,000 square feet we are currently working from. Likewise, THANK YOU to the contractors who are working to get our new home completed in record time.
THANK YOU to our valued customers for their outpouring of support and continued business; and THANK YOU to our trusted suppliers who have worked tirelessly to get us inventory, supplies, and machinery. Our future together is looking brighter every day.
We thank God for all of you and look forward to walking out this next chapter together with God’s direction and grace.
Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless you all,
Gary & Teresa Westermeyer