Dear Customers,
It has been eight months since a catastrophic fire tried to destroy our business. We are proud to report that our business remains fully intact and operating at the highest levels since the fire. Progress on the new building continues to improve, as we weathered winter in Illinois very well. The contractors have one last portion of concrete floor to pour, which will take place in approximately two weeks. Today, two-thirds of the building is up, and we have already begun to take delivery of new equipment that is being staged in this space.

The next three months will see the completion of Phase One (the new manufacturing space), with the hopeful expectation that by the one-year anniversary of the fire, August 26th, we will be operational in our new home. The construction of Phase Two, our new office space, will commence soon. We expect our daily output to increase over these next three months, with optimum levels achieved shortly after moving into the new facility.
Our entire team understands and appreciates your patience and continued trust in our ability—not only today, but the future capabilities we will realize together. We have learned many valuable skills throughout this process and have become a stronger team because of it. As we like to say, “stronger than steel and forged through the fire.” Some might say this sounds cliché, but those of us who have lived this experience know it is the truth.
This chapter is about to close, and the first chapter in a new book is about to be written—a new book for a new era building on past experiences to become the strongest supplier and partner we can be—to our customers today and to new customers in the future. Thanks again, and stay tuned.
God Bless,
Gary & Teresa Westermeyer