Progress Update – Week One
Dear Customers,
I am providing an update on our progress from the recent fire. As previously stated, a portion of our facility was saved from the fire, and utilities have now been restored in that remaining building. Demolition of the destroyed building has begun, and a new building is already being planned. All IT systems and phones have now been restored. New equipment, including fabrication and welding equipment, has been ordered, and these items will arrive within one week. Our team has completed an inventory and also saved some inventory from the destroyed building. Additionally, nearly all fixtures were recovered and are in usable condition. Your current orders are being prioritized, with missing materials being ordered.
My message to you is this—we have the space and will soon have the additional equipment and raw materials to get your orders moving again. Our team is committed to staying your supplier and are working to ensure that you get the same service you have grown to expect from us over the past 21 years. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.
The entire company thanks you for your understanding and your prayers.
Gary Westermeyer, President
Westermeyer—Stronger Than Steel
Important Update – Factory Fire
To Our Valued Customers,
Our business suffered a major tragedy on Friday, August 26th. A large portion of our facility was destroyed in a factory fire. Thankfully, everyone was evacuated without injury, including the firefighters of 14 departments from the surrounding communities. Their efforts were able to save a portion of our facility, and the building that was unharmed has redundancy in many areas.
We are currently working to restore services to the unharmed facility and hope to be operational sometime this week. Our team will reach out soon to discuss the impact and prioritize your orders. Our email communication is operational, and we hope to have phone communication restored very soon. Please know you are very important to us, and we will work tirelessly to come back stronger and better than before.
Teresa and I started and built this business to serve you. With God’s grace on our business and our dedicated team, that will continue.
Best Regards,
Gary Westermeyer, President
Beauty from Ashes
Follow Us
Westermeyer Industries, Inc.
1441 State Route 100
Bluffs, IL 62621
P: (217) 754-3277
F: (217) 754-3288